Saturday, April 18, 2015

Omeka delete worries: how to make a quick backup

This is in response to Becca's post about Omeka's incredibly user-unfriendly delete button.  First, ouch, Becca, I'm sorry you had to re-do your work.  I've been afraid of accidentally clicking that delete button from the start, but I had no idea it wouldn't even offer a "cancel" or "are you sure" choice.  However, Becca's experience has prompted me to look for a back-up plan so I don't have to re-do all my work if I accidentally hit delete.  And it turns out there IS a way!  So I'm sharing it with everyone so we can give ourselves a fighting chance against Omeka.

Directions for backing up your work:

  1. Log in to Omeka.
  2. Click on Collections in the left-hand sidebar.
  3. Locate your collection and click on the number to the far right (Total number of items).
  4. At the bottom of the page, click dcmes-xml.
  5. It will download a file.  
  6. Open this file in Notepad and save as text.  It's messy but all the information is there and it will give you something to copy and paste from.
  7. Alternative:  If you have Notepad++ installed, you can right click on the file and "Edit in Notepad++" which is a little bit easier to read.
I don't see a way to load this back into Omeka, but at least you can copy/paste all your data. 
Is it perfect? No. Is it better than starting from scratch?  Yes!

Click here to download your file.

View the XML using Notepad++

Here's what it looks like in plain Notepad.  Messy but serviceable!


  1. Very cool idea Notepad++ is a great tool!!

  2. woohoo .. cool workaround!! :-)
